Welcome to the Wisdom at Work Podcast!
Nov. 6, 2019

The Grandmas Project: Sharing the World's most Delicious Heritage!

The Grandmas Project: Sharing the World's most Delicious Heritage!

Grandmothers on the Move Podcast Episode 41: The Grandmas Project: Sharing the World’s most Delicious Heritage! This is a scrumptious, endearing and important short-video initiative, started by Jonas Pariente. So smart and simple: Grandma making a favourite recipe in her kitchen, filmed by her grandchild, with warm and intimate conversation – it’s riveting! Jonas talks about the inspiration for this rapidly-growing project, and is joined by Frankie Wallach, one of the filmmakers! You really must check out these films, and if you are moved as I was, support the next season by going to Jonas’s Kickstarter Campaign (which ends Thursday, November 7th!)!! We all need more enriching Grandmas Project films in our lives! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jonaspariente/grandmas-project-season-2
